Phone Number

General Advice

Our general advice to employees covers issues such as:-

Remuneration Packages and Terms of Employment

We can help you agree your remuneration package (including bonus/commission and share incentives) as well as reviewing and advising on your Contract of Employment

Maternity, Paternity and Time Off issues

We can make sure that you understand what your rights and entitlements are and what you need to do

Part-time working, Flexible working and Job-shares

We can help you understand what your rights are in relation to Flexible Working and Job share requests and also help with any current issues concerning part-time status.

Although sometimes an employer’s policies or practices are such that a claim has to be brought, often matters can be resolved more amicably by raising the issues with the employer and highlighting the discriminatory or unlawful consequences of their actions


We can advise you to how best to deal with your employer if your sickness record becomes an issue. In some circumstances, the Disability Discrimination legislation may give employees special protection

Performance issues Disciplinary matters

We can advise you as to how best to deal with your employer if you find yourself subject to a performance management programme or disciplinary proceedings


We will guide you through the steps you will need to take if you wish to raise a grievance

Data Protection

We can advise you on how the data protection applies to the information that employers hold about you and how to make a Subject Access request and what this entitles you to