Employees are a vital part of any business. By providing prompt and clear advice, we help employers to manage their staff effectively (and deal with any issues that arise) with minimum disruption.
Our main areas of advice are:-
– Offer Letters
– Contracts and remuneration (bonuses, commission, share options etc)
– Company Policies and Procedures/Employee Handbooks
– Maternity/Paternity/Time-off issues
– Part-time/Flexible working
– Other statutory rights and issues
– Performance management
– Managing “difficult” employees
– Managing sickness absence
– References
Employment Disputes and Employment Tribunal claims
– Grievances and Disciplinary matters, including Appeals
– Bonus/commission disputes
– Confidentiality and Non-solicitation/Non-compete restrictions
– Defending Employment Tribunal claims
We advise on how to minimise the risk of discrimination claims on the grounds of:
– Age
– Sex (incl. maternity/paternity/part-time rights and Equal Pay)
– Race
– Disability
– Sexual Orientation
– Religion/Belief
– Gender Reassignment
and also the special protection given to “whistle-blowers”
Redundancy, Reorganisations, Outsourcing, Sales and Transfers
We provide step-by-step advice on how to handle redundancies and other types of organisational change, including consultation with employees/ employee representatives
We advise on how proposed dismissals should be handled so as to comply with the law and, in particular, the steps employers must take for a dismissal to be a fair (rather than an unfair) dismissal.
Severance Packages and Settlement Agreements
We advise on the packages offered to departing employees as well as the Settlement Agreement setting out the terms of settlement, including confidentiality, non-disparagement and other clauses where appropriate.
Our practical advice will ensure that you not only understand the legal issues but also how best to deal with the situation and achieve your objectives.
To help clients keep up-to-date, we produce Updates and Articles and Guides on topics of interest
If you have a query or would like to find out more about our services, please contact Paul Lane on 020 7712 1691 or email enquiries@lanegraham.co.uk